Clever, gory zombie flick stars Simon Pegg as Shaun, a British man living with his stoner best friend Ed (Nick Frost) and their roommate, Pete. Shaun, who is content spending his days at the Winchester pub, has relationship problems with his girlfriend Liz (Kate Ashfield,) who wants to go and 'do more.' Also, Pete wants Ed out and Shaun can't find time for his mum and much-disliked step dad. In fact, he is so wrapped up in his troubles that for a time he is completely oblivious to the fact that the walking dead have invaded his city.
When finally Shaun figures out what's going on, he sets out with Ed to rescue Liz and his mum. His step dad, Philip, who has been bitten, and Liz's two best friends David and Diane come along, and they arm themselves with weapons and head for the only place they know to go- the Winchester. On the way, they use their ingenuity and whatever weapons they can (Shaun and Ed throw music records at the zombies) against their enemies. And in the spirit of classic zombie movies, the heroes (or heroines) begin to be picked off one by one.
This fast-moving horror/comedy is quite amusing, though rarely laugh-out-loud funny, and Simon Pegg is good as Shaun. The characters are also interesting enough that you don't want to see them get offed (with the exception of one,) a rarity in many horror films. I would recommend it to anyone who likes zombie movies or dark humor. I think that parents should use discretion before letting their kids see it; it contains a lot of sex stuff and several gruesome parts.
For a similar movie, watch "Fido," a satire about a 50's style society where the deceased have a special role in the community. (Rated R)
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